Leadership Development

Discover your potential as a true leader and lead your nonprofit to the next level.


Leadership Development is a half-day session that trains leaders to discover their own true leadership style.

For Whom?

EDs, Development Directors, executives, directors, managers, and other leaders of teams, workgroups, and partnerships will benefit from attending. 

What You Will Learn:

  • To understand your unique strengths and potential as a leader and to apply these qualities in your organizational environment
  • To assess your communication style and leverage this to improve relationships, communication and collaborative efforts
  • To lead with vision, alignment, integrity and intuition
  • To create a long-term vision for your nonprofit organization
  • To exchange authentic and useful feedback with colleagues and employees
  • To make breakthrough decisions with intuitive ease
  • To shorten the gap between intention and realization of organizational goals through strategic planning

Impact You Can Expect From Leadership Development:

  • A mindset of prosperity in yourself and in your nonprofit organization
  • Your own unique, effective leadership style that reflects your core beliefs and personality
  • Innovative solutions to seemingly “stuck” situations without fear of failure
  • More authentic and honest relationships with your staff
  • A working environment where conflicts are minimized and a win-win attitude is cultivated
  • Heightened emotional and intuitive intelligence 

How Is It Delivered?

Leadership Development will be conducted as an interactive half-day training session that combines on-line pre-work, engaging video facilitation, and on-line follow-up to create a personalized learning experience. 

Date: 10/22/14

Time: 9:30am to 1:30pm

Place: Brooklyn College, Graduate Center for Worker Education, 25 Broadway, New York, NY

Fee: If you are a DYCD contractor the fee is covered by DYCD. Others, contact us (718 449 5000 x 2222) to discuss fee.



Every one of us has an inner genius that is accessible with the proper cognitive tools and inner awareness. Many people recognize that their brightest ideas and decisions come when they let go of their intellectual rigor and harness a different type of intelligence. This realm of creative and innovative thinking is extremely valuable for high-level decision making and problem solving.

This half-day workshop will help you access your inner genius.  

For Whom?

Any organizational leader, manager, lay leader, innovator, thinker, creator, researcher, educator ―anyone seeking to access their inner genius and tap into the realm of innovation.

What You Will Learn:

  • The neuroscience behind insights and “aha” moments
  • An understanding of how to use intuitive intelligence as an instrument for decision making and problem solving
  • How to formulate new solutions and opportunities that haven’t been considered yet
  • How to identify problems that have not been revealed by research or analysis
  • To deepen your emotional intelligence
  • To synthesize facts into new paradigms, perceptions, and ways of interacting in the world
  • How to use divergent thinking—thinking in metaphor, non-linear patterns and images

Impact You Can Expect:

  • Gain greater confidence in your decision making and problem solving
  • Discover innovative solutions to seemingly “stuck” organizational and personal situations
  • Experience more authenticity, joy and ease in living
  • Achieve a new level of clarity in formulating professional goals and following your vision
  • Manage stress more effectively and develop methods of relaxation
  • Create more effective team-client relationships

How Is It Delivered?

A half-day workshop delivered by consultant Esther Russell, MA who specializes in innovation, creativity and positive psychology as it applies to professional and personal development. The workshop combines interactive cognitive brain exercises, with creative and intuitive techniques.


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